So much to blog about–SXSWi, talks from Boston to Tucson, many Baylor events–but before I get to all that, a moment to reflect on open educational opportunities and real audiences:
My “From Memex to YouTube” class is in full Final Projects mode, heading toward presentations in just a few weeks. Projects range from music and identity to social bookmarking (and organizing the infinite) to animating the Mother of All Demos. Lots of talent at work here. I’m eager to see what the seminar will create and share, and I’ll let you know when the live stream will happen (probably via Ustream again unless someone has a better suggestion).
This morning I’m especially jazzed to see that the “Tell a story in 5 frames” Flickr project is underway. I had an epiphany last week when discussing project ideas with the class: if you’re not sure what you really want to do for a final project, just read your blog posts to date. There’s probably a pattern of interest there. Look at the traces of your own engagement! Enjoy the strengths and predilections of your mind at play in the fields of study. Turns out that the photo project was right there all along, hiding in plain sight. And the results are coming in. The student (I keep saying “the student” in a doubtless misguided effort to preserve privacy) just posted the first “five frames” set to Flickr, and already two comments have come in praising the work.
Of course, I want the student to work hard and keep improving, but I’d be lying if I said the first outing was less than impressive. Not to dote, or anything…. You understand.
Take a look, see what you think, and comment if you are so moved. More New Media Studies goodness on the way.
Gardner, have you heard of Scott McCloud’s (Understanding Comics) invention, Five Card Nancy? The idea is to get a bunch of old Nancy comic strips, cut them up into individual panels, mix those panels up, and select five of them to tell a story.
Alan Levine adapted this idea to create Five Card Flickr. You get 25 random Flickr images and select five of them to tell a story. Here’s mine.
@Derek I have a dim memory of the Five Card Nancy but the reminder is most timely; thanks! We’ve just done McCloud in class and in fact he was a great stimulus for the student’s project. Lovely recursion here.
I also have a dim memory of Alan’s project. (A theme emerges: memory is dimming.) I’m very glad to have these links too. Talk about just-in-time resources–again, as always, my network amazes me with its generous intelligence. Thanks!
This is a good example of a digital story being told through the use of a limited number of images.
We live in an unprecedented time of information overload. The image of cluttered newspapers conveys the basic idea and it is reinforced by the stacks of books. The image of the computer suggest a flood and flow which has become a challenge for anyone who is connected in a meaningful way. The final image brings it home; personally relevant information that can be accessed and presented to meet immediate needs.
I suggest that the story goes on. I’ve personally hit the wall with the flood of information, garbage and communications which are scattered in my computer, across the internet and across my mind. I’m in a purge mode, a (selective) disconnect mode and on a quest for a tool to serve as a personal portal. I want to be able to access this from any location at any time. So, the story continues. The next 5 images, by the student, me or anyone who might be inspired is to continue this story; perhaps as a serial adventure.
See, your story has sparked a conversation.
Thanks for sharing.
Bud Deihl
After looking at some of the debates your students are having regarding quality and criticism of the work a few idea might stimulate further debate.
Sequential art is not necessaries linear
With only five frames you are creating poetry not a novel
Montage vs. Countinuity
I think Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics would be essential pre-reading for this activity – or do the task read it then approach the task again informed by McCloud’s concepts.