Music Blogs Deluxe

No, they’re not really illuminated in the original sense of “deluxe,” but holy cow I just learned that two of my favorite music writers, Alex Ross (whom I’ve enjoyed for years) and Sasha Frere-Jones (whom I’m just discovered), have blogs. Less sleep for me, but more music. What a windfall! And thanks to Brian and Bryan for leading me to, which led me to SF/J, which led me to Alex Ross (the man who led me to Radiohead).

Just a few more moments with Sasha F/J’s blog led me to this MP3 blog aggregator. I must turn my attention elsewhere now, but there’s something cool waiting to be opened tomorrow evening….

Big finds tonight. Now if only Steve Simels had a blog. If anyone out there knows Steve, please make him blog. I need more Steve Simels, right away please. I need the Simels Report, back again.

3 thoughts on “Music Blogs Deluxe

  1. Hi,

    Did you ever get in touch with Steve Simels? He’s an old pal from college and I would love to email him, should you have a site and address.

    Aloha from Carolann

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