Disclaimer: I’d say this even if he hadn’t linked to me with characteristically generous encouragement.
Brian Lamb over at Abject Learning has just published a Q&A on Wikipedia that constitutes one of the smartest, clearest, and most humane takes I’ve read on that resource and its cultural context. It’s an extraordinary synthesis of what many voices have been saying, but it’s more than that. It’s actually an essay on knowledge, education, and civilization. How interesting that Wikipedia both represents and stimulates the larger conversations that are often so implicit (or discouraged) in a world of industrialized schooling.
And did I mention the writing? Limpid and focused. A neat trick to manage both at the same time. Fine enough to savor, strong enough to survive the thousand handouts that will reprint it.
As ever, Brian rocks.
I appreciate the shout-out, especially since I found myself thinking “what might Gardner say?” as I was writing the response. The hours I’ve spent picking your brain and trying to soak up your insight have paid off in so many ways.
hear, hear Gardner – that’s one we should nail on the church door!